Introducing the Morrison Hotel Graphic Novel...

The publication date for The Doors' Morrison Hotelgraphic novel has been moved up from March 23rd to March 16th, and with that comes a preview -- sort of.

The pages they've shared capture the moments leading up to their show on March 1st, 1969 at the Dinner Key Auditorium in Miami, where Jim Morrison allegedly exposed himself.

However, what's not shown is Morrison showing his "lizard king." That's because, according to the band's late keyboardistRay Manzarek, he never pulled it out.

Morrison later surrendered to face charges of “lewd and lascivious behavior in public by exposing his private parts and by simulating masturbation and oral copulation, indecent exposure, open profanity and public drunkenness." When the case went to trial the following year, he was convicted on indecency charges. The case was on appeal when he died in Paris the following summer -- July 3rd, 1971.

In December 2010, just before leaving office, Florida governor Charlie Crist pardoned Morrison, calling the arrest a "blot" on the record of an accomplished artist for "something he may or may not have done." Noting that Morrison died before he was able to present his appeal, the outgoing governor did it for him

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