On This Day In 1994 The Stones Broadcast Dallas Concert Over The Internet

It's no big deal these days, but in 1994 it was HUGE! On this day in 1994, when the internet was still in its infancy, the Rolling Stones became one of the first bands to broadcast one of their concerts over the world wide web. The Stones webcast 20 minutes of their performance from the Cotton Bowl in Dallas (on their Voodoo Lounge tour) over the MBone. In universities and research labs with MBone connections, fans crowded around computer screens to watch the slow-scan video. Reviews were decidedly mixed because of the low quality of the picture. The Stones performed "Not Fade Away", "Tumbling Dice", "You Got Me Rocking" , "Shattered" and "Rocks Off." Midway through the set Mick Jagger announced live to fans in Dallas and those connected virtually through the multicast backbone (MBone) "I want to say a special welcome to everyone that's climbed into the internet tonight and got into the MBone and I hope it all does not collapse." 

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