Don't Mess with Queen's Brian May

Brian May is objecting to negative comments on social media about Queen + Adam Lambert using a private jet on their Japanese tour.

He says, "Generally, I immediately block anyone who calls me a hypocrite - who needs to put up with insults in their own comments page? Life's too short! But of course we're well aware of all that stuff, and, unlike the disgraceful British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, we actually care about the environment.

"So when our team are booking a private plane we always contribute to a scheme to offset the carbon emissions. And overall, short of not touring at all, we apply a lot of effort these days to keep our carbon footprint as low as possible. As far as extravagance, some people might take exception to us making ourselves comfortable on tour, but we take a pride in working at the top level, which means taking every opportunity to work with the top professionals in every field -- from drivers, caterers, accommodation, to wardrobe, sound, lights, etc., and taking care of them all. And truly at the age of 76 odd, doing two-hour-twenty-minute shows and traveling most days, it would be pretty hard to do this at all without these creature comforts.

"After about 50 years on the road, I think we paid our dues! So please go ahead and call me a hypocrite and I'll take pleasure in blocking you! And to the rest of you lovely folks, I drink you a toast!"

Queen and Lambert are down to the last two dates of their Rhapsody Tour, Tuesday and Wednesday in Tokyo.

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