On This Day In 1976 The Ramones Released Their Debut Album

Released on this day in 1976 Ramones is the debut album from the Ramones. The album cover photo shoot cost $125 and has since become one of the most imitated album covers of all time. The back cover depicts an eagle belt buckle along with the album's liner notes. Clocking in at 29:04 the album features great punk anthems like "Beat on the Brat," "Judy Is A Punk," "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue," as well as the singles; "Blitzkrieg Bop" and "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend." Initially panned by critics, the album peaked at No. 111 on the Billboard Chart, and finally went Gold in 2014. While commercial success was fleeting, critical praise continues to this day. "Blitzkrieg Bop" has gone on to become an arena anthem and one of the most recognized songs in the world. The album is also credited as sparking the #punk movement in the US and the U.K. and is cited as one of the most influential albums of all time.

Happy 48th Anniversary!

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