The Who's 'Tommy' Released 55 Years Ago Today

Released on this day in 1969, Tommy is the fourth studio album by The Who. The double-album was mostly composed by guitarist Pete Townshend, and is a rock opera that tells the story of Tommy Walker, a "deaf, dumb and blind" kid, including his experiences with life and his relationship with his family. Townshend came up with the concept after being introduced to the work of Meher Baba, and attempted to translate Baba's teachings into music. The album was hailed by critics as the band's breakthrough, and has gone on to sell more than 20 million copies, eventually being inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.

In honor of the anniversary, check out this classic Beat Club interview from September of 1969 with Pete Townshend discussing the album (above), and The Who performing the album in it's entirety on the 20th Anniversary in 1989, below.

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