Happy Birthday! Donnie Van Zant

Born on this day in 1952, Donald Newton "Donnie" Van Zant, the American vocalist/guitarist, best known as a member of .38 Special from 1974 until 2013, turns 21. Donnie is the middle brother, between older brother Ronnie Van Zant, the original lead singer for Lynyrd Skynyrd, and younger brother Johnny Van Zant, current lead singer for Lynyrd Skynyrd since 1987; the two also perform together from time to time as the group Van Zant. Sadly, in March 2013 Donnie had to quit music, including .38 Special, in accordance with doctor's strict orders and due to health issues, related to inner-ear nerve damage.

In Donnie's honor, check out a few classic .38 Special videos

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