Elton John: Emergency Bathroom Break!

TMZ reports that Elton John suffered a bathroom emergency. He couldn’t reach a toilet in time so he peed in public into a Gatorade bottle.

A shop owner in Nice, France, claimed that Elton rushed into his sneaker store asking for a bathroom. His bladder was about to burst. He was told the store did not have a toilet. So, Elton grabbed an empty bottle from his bodyguard.

According to the store owner, 77-year-old Elton turned his back to the other shoppers for privacy then unzipped his pants. He should have chosen a bigger bottle. Elton's bad aim left a yellow puddle on the floor.

Despite the embarrassment, Elton posed for photos with his two sons, who walked out with new shoes. The shop owner got an unforgettable story and a damp handshake from Elton.

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