Pink Floyd's David Gilmour Not Talking Smack about Roger Waters.....Yet

Despite Pink Floyd reuniting in 2005 for the Live 8 festival in London, followed by Roger Waters and David Gilmour doing a charity show in 2010, and Gilmour joining Waters at his Wall show in London in 2011, their relationship went south again.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Gilmour was asked what went wrong, and he said, "Well, it’s something I’ll talk about one day, but I’m not going to talk about that right now. It’s boring. It’s over. As I said before, he left our pop group when I was in my 30s, and I’m a pretty old chap now, and the relevance of it is not there. I don’t really know his work since. So I don’t have anything to say on the topic."

Then last year, Gilmour's wife, novelist Polly Samson, took a shot at Waters, saying he's "anti-Semitic to [his] rotten core," as well as a "Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-syncing, misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac.” And Gilmour agreed, saying, it's “demonstrably true.”

"People talk about the battle, but to me it’s a one-way thing that’s been going on since he left with different levels of intensity, and Polly felt she had to say her piece. I agreed with her piece and said so. Again, that’s all. I don’t really have anything extra to add to this, any other lights to shine on that."

Asked about the reports that Floyd are shopping their catalog, Gilmour said it is "still in discussion," and he's only to happy to cut ties.

"To be rid of the decision making and the arguments that are involved with keeping it going is my dream. If things were different… and I am not interested in that from a financial standpoint. I’m only interested in it from getting out of the mud bath that it has been for quite a while."

And while Waters will no doubt shed more light on their differences in the memoir he's writing, Gilmour has no plans to put pen to paper.

"People have asked me to, but it hasn’t so far tempted me. Maybe when I get a bit older I’ll think about them."

Until then, Gilmour is concentrating on his new album, Luck and Strange, which will be out on September 6th.

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