Jeff K

Jeff K

Hey, It's Jeff K! If you love Classic Rock birthdays, Legendary Album anniversaries, and plenty of hockey talk, you've come to the right place!Full Bio


On This Day In 1991, The Nirvana "Brawl" At Trees Dallas

It was 33 years ago, on that warm (and fateful) October night in 1991 when Nirvana played a show at Trees in Deep Ellum and all hell broke loose. Kurt Cobain was stage-diving, and when bouncer Turner Van Blarcum pulled him back on-stage Kurt bopped in the head with his guitar. Van Blarcum retaliated with a right cross to Kurt's jaw and a near-riot broke out. Eventually, the band returned to the stage and finished the show. Afterward, they were whisked away in a cab as Van Blarcum punched the windows, shattering glass over the band. The story goes that Nirvana (or their label) ended up paying Van Blarcum's medical bills and for damages to the venue.

In memory of the anniversary, check out the footage (above) and Jeff Liles and Turner Van Blarcum recalling the full story (age-restricted - below).

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